Friday, July 9, 2010


so yeah
holidays are awesome

went to melbourne
bout a $45 chunk of coal
it's awesome :D

holidays are going to quick and i love melb.

awesome relatives and friends

Saturday, June 19, 2010


so yeah
i said i'd never update it, but hey!

it's 10:34pm on a saturday night
i have my cat chilli sitting next to me :D
in my life?
my drumkit is currently one of my biggest loves.
i have just spent over $100 on books about titanic, whilse they were on sale :D
and i spent over $150 on games
but my drumkit
it's awesome
sounds like sex :D
spent money on dvd's, got notld and dargon ball z season 5 (cell saga :D)
my friends, same, damo and aan got me the complete astro boy collection from the 80's :D
i still don't think it's weird i didn't drink anything over my 18th weekend and still havn't since i turned 18.
infact, i still don't consider myself an adult.
but hey.....

Saturday, April 18, 2009


well first is first
music, i love music, playing drums and loving it so much.
seen billy talent twice, saw em last in sydney this feb, i shall go to their aug one.
also saw rise gaainst
again awesome show (i saw them and international noise conspiracy, who had refuseds former lead singer)
oh yeah, emery and face to face suppoorted billy talent, both quite good.
and may i say, hardcore dancing is just stupid looking, it's hard to mosh when your trying not to cack yourself over an idoi windmilling...

now, drums is awesome, i just got told i have 2 weeks to learn wipeout by the surfaris.
i still dont know it.

as for gaming, i havent bought a new game in a while, but iv'e been playing halo 3 alot, so much fun and great to get into now more of my mates are playing it.
there are a crapload more game i want to get though.
sorry for the crappy writing and the no-one viewing....

Saturday, September 13, 2008


just did handouts for the elections, interesting, joining libs asap......
need more money for my combined drum and gaming habits...